Accidents—as the well-worn and completely information-free saying goes—happen. That saying was once again proven true recently when...
Guest Curmudgeon: "A Host of Complaints"
by Jeff Bireley A hearty welcome back to Jeff Bireley. It's always a pleasure to have a fellow grouch stop by to share his latest beef....
To Whom it May Concern
Some of you may find what I’m about to write utterly mind-boggling, perhaps even to the point of finding yourself unable to accept this...
Our Declining Language (part 32 in an endless series): Food and Drink Edition
Here we go again, friends. It just seems unfair somehow. Something tells me these donuts are somewhat less than perfect. Now, math was...

As more and more people get vaccinated and we gradually crawl out of our hiding places, group social events are timidly returning as...
Too Much of a Good Thing
When the Curmudgeon was a child, television was in black and white, and there were only three channels. And each night at midnight, they...
Cult of the Positive
Sometimes, the Curmudgeon gets in a bad mood. Perhaps that’s an understatement. Often, the Curmudgeon gets in a bad mood. And to be...
How You Play the Game.
I’ve never been much for sports. I’ll give you all a moment to digest that, as I’m sure it’s a shocking revelation for regular readers of...
A Curmudgeon Rerun: "Not Everyone is Special"
"Not Everyone is Special" first ran on July 31st, 2017. I don't know when it became so all-fired important to lie to ourselves by...
Our Declining Language (part 31 in an endless series)
It's been a while since we checked in on the state of our language. Here's the latest: It's still declining. I know I'm on about this...

New York is a city of treasured traditions. We have our lavish Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, the thrilling Times Square ball drop on...
Free at Last
Greetings, and a belated happy Independence Day to one and all. In reflecting on this sacred and inspiringly patriotic date, it strikes...
Are We This Close?
Friendships are precious, are they not? Who but a friend will listen to our troubles, dole out tough love when we need it, and like us in...
Guest Curmudgeon: "Learning by Example"
A big welcome back to fellow grouch Debby Dodds. TWC Learning by Example by Debby Dodds I’m in the kitchen making parmesan-crusted...
Hunger Strikes
It’s said that there is “a time and a place for everything.” It’s a strange and reckless assertion when you think about it. (Is there...
A Curmudgeon Rerun: "Could You, or Could You Not, Care Less?"
("Could You, or Could You Not, Care Less?" originally appeared in The Weekly Curmudgeon on June 19th, 2017) There is perhaps no more...