Give It a Rest
The Curmudgeon has decided to take a break for a bit. And honestly, with all the stupidity, nonsense, and recklessness I've been forced...
A Curmudgeon Rerun: "Words and Their Meanings: 'World Famous'"
America is quite a country. Here, in this golden land of opportunity where dreams come true, even the least among us can rise from the...

A Curmudgeon Rerun: "Crappy New Year"
Greetings, beloved readers. This year, once again, I find myself hard-pressed to improve upon earlier comments regarding the entrance of...
What Child is This?
Last week, dear Curmudgeons, I ranted about the strange mythology by which the celebration of the birth of Christ—a Jewish event that...

A Kvetch about Christmas
Proffer the idea that Christmas is a Jewish holiday and many will look at you as if you had three heads. Some will even be offended at...
A Curmudgeon Rerun: "Rest Wrestle"
"Rest Wrestle" first ran on December 18th, 2017. I sigh in despair as I begin this week's re-enlightenment, because once again, it's...
Our Declining Language (part 34 in an endless series)
Since premiering The Weekly Curmudgeon in January of 2017, I've put together thirty-four of these shaming photo essays. I expect they'll...

A Curmudgeon's Thanksgiving
For those who enjoy time with family (I’m told that some do), Thanksgiving is a lovely holiday. Though it commemorates a meal that...
Exclusive Service
In the late 50s and early 60s, the comedy duo of Nichols and May performed their clever and popular sketch comedy duets. In one of these,...
Dots and Dashes
One of the most insidious plagues of our time is the deteriorating respect for punctuation—those crucial little font adjusters and wisps...
A Curmudgeon Rerun: "TSA (Torturous Stupidity at the Airport)"
The Curmudgeon has been busy traveling for work lately. As this has unavoidably involved making my way in and out of airports and to and...
Our Declining Language (part 33 in an endless series)
They're at it again, friends—people continuing to produce written language for all the world to see without checking for accuracy. While...

Dumb Dinosaurs
Lately, I’ve been thinking about the dinosaurs—you know, those goofy-looking, lumbering, unsophisticated creatures who became extinct...
Do You Believe in Magic?
On an election night not too long ago—let’s say . . . oh . . . around 2016 or so—I found myself at the home of some friends. (Yes, the...
A Curmudgeon Rerun: "Breathtaking Views"
(This column originally ran on 1/20/2020) As I travel the land bestowing corrections upon the wrongly behaved, I often find myself...
Something's Fishy
It’s a small thing, really—both literally and in its almost total insignificance. Still, when something occurs to me as stupid, I feel...